July 22, 2021
Demo Diaries: Ep 029 | “Establishing Proper Incentives For Your PreSales Team Is Key To Success”
🎙: In this episode, I interview Kerry Sokalsky, President at Presales Mastery! Kerry is really…

April 23, 2021
Using Replays to Train Your Sales Team
I spent a couple of years in sales enablement. It’s a really fun role. You're…

April 13, 2021
Introducing the Demo Diaries Podcast Season 01 🎙
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of season one of our first podcast series titled…

March 24, 2021
How to Drive Adoption of a killer POC
It's hard to find people who are super passionate about their job. It's even harder…

March 23, 2021
Make sure your PreSales team aren’t “just demo jockeys”
I caught up with an old friend last week. He’s a Solutions Engineer at a…