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10 Reasons Why Your SaaS Company Needs a Demo Creation Platform

February 12, 2025
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No-code demo creation platforms are revolutionizing how SaaS companies create and deliver live (“simulation”) type demos and guided (self-guided tour) demos.
Users can easily create custom demos that look and feel exactly like an authentic software interaction. Sales teams can walk buyers through demos on live sales calls (or let them explore independently) without fearing the glitches and errors that may occur within the original environment.
And a few, like Reprise, make it easy to create guided demos that look a lot less like a YouTube video their nephew forced them to watch and a lot more like a guided, interactive experience. Giving Demand Gen and Product Marketers the power to produce and share compelling product stories with vertical buyers, showcase use cases, and introduce new features.
In short, demo creation platforms have become “Step 1” for SaaS companies that want to augment their sales-led approach or improve their existing Product-Led Growth (PLG) motion.
Interested? Below are 10 reasons your SaaS company needs a demo creation platform:
1. Product-Led SaaS is Profit-Led SaaS.
SaaS companies that led with product experiences in 2020 garnered 50% more in revenues than their SaaS counterparts, and that number continues to grow. And no-code demo creation platforms make it easy for sales and marketing teams to be product-led.
2. Don’t call us; we’ll call you.
In the 90s movie, Swingers, there’s a scene where the lead character, Mikey, leaves message after message on the answering machine of a girl he just met to win her over. You don’t want to be like Mikey. Instead, use a demo creation platform to deliver an up-front product experience, and call when they show an interest in taking things further.
3. No-code, no-limits.
Demo creation platforms like Reprise don’t require coding experience, so non-technical teams can create custom demos and product tours too. Bottlenecks disappear, and buyers get their hands on persuasive product experiences sooner.
4. Your sales engineers will thank you.
With a demo creation platform, sales engineers can build error-free, custom demos that look and feel like authentic product experiences. Blood pressure levels restabilize once sales teams have these demos in hand and no longer need engineers to “hop on a call” and navigate a prospect through the software.
5. Avoid demo stacks.
When you build a new prospect demo on top of an old version, things get messy fast. Your demo environment becomes increasingly fragile and error-filled with every iteration. Demo creation platforms keep things clean by making it painless to quickly create a unique, custom demo for every prospect that requests one. No stacking necessary.
6. Give buyers what they want.
Buyers want less of you and more of your product while evaluating their options. Instead of describing what it feels like to “drive” your software, give buyers the keys to the car. It’s what they want, and they’ll reach time-to-value a lot faster if they can experience your product at the start of their journey.
7. Lead with a product tour, close with a demo.
Buyers that have been led directly to your software’s “take my money” moments in a product tour are more likely to request more product experiences, like live sales demos.
8. Choose your own adventures.
Demo creation platforms make product tours so easy to build that it’s no trouble to create one for every vertical market, buyer persona, and use case your marketing team can think of.
9. Get the inside track.
Finding it difficult to get in touch with key decision-makers? (68% of salespeople just yelled, “yes!”), Turn prospects into champions by using a demo creation platform to arm them with custom demos and product tours they’ll feel confident sharing with decision-makers.
10. The call is coming from inside the house.
Sales and marketing teams can identify buyer readiness by using a demo creation platform that relays product experience usage back to them, especially when that platform integrates with in-house platforms like Salesforce and HubSpot.
Want to take a deeper dive? Check out, What are Demo Creation Platforms?